You won't have to look at the 2007 newsletter review from Surfacing Wellness & Health, here is the opening page thoughts.
I don’t know about you but I am clamoring to fill the last weeks of December with family, errands, social activities and work. 2007 is nearly over.
As I put my review together, I have been able to look back on what I have done, learned, moved from and to, created and avoided.
My new year’s eve activities in recent years are rather introspective and forward thinking; this compilation has allowed me to start that process 3 weeks sooner than it would normally occur.
Here is my hint for preparing for the new year...
Make your goals attainable. Make mini-goals.
If your goal is get Angelina Jolie’s body—make sure you include bullet points of start smoking, hire a daily personal trainer, eat less calories, and increase stress.
Maybe your goal is to achieve several creative activities each week, that’s admirable but why not start with one activity per month? If you are able to attempt more than one each month you won’t be disillusioned or disappointed.
I have weight loss goals but first I want to be healthy. If that means improve cardiovascular strength and respiratory endurance and remain at my current weight from here on out, I can accept that. I can also accept that I shouldn’t grab a muffin on the way to the office, that I should drink water diligently, and eat regular meals with 60% veggies, 25% carbs and 15% protein.
I also want to get back to the creative arts I used to use, but I am being easy on myself to just dabble in one for the first few months of 2008.
Don’t be so hard on yourself or you will not attain what you (possibly unrealistically) want to accomplish. We get everywhere one step at a time; it’s easier to take a step then jump off the cliff to get to your goal.
I was just in Italy, sometimes a trip off a cliff looked very appealing. When I got to my destination by foot or bike and looked up at the cliff I previously admired, I shuddered. I was very proud of where I was and how I got there. You can do it the same way.
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