It's here. Economical acupuncture!
I am so excited. I am well aware firsthand that acupuncture is incredibly effective in treating a whole slew of conditions and imbalances. I am also keenly aware that most people I know can't afford ongoing treatments. It hurts my heart every time someone says they always wanted to try acupuncture or really need it and don't have the discretionary funds to pursue treatment. I trust that community acupuncture is the answer.
The group format for acupuncture is ideal – we participate as groups in yoga, meditation, and other restorative activities at low-cost rates. Plus, in community acupuncture you can share in the healing with your friends and family by coming together for treatments. There is also strength in numbers. Group or collective energy is more potent and effective in the healing process. So don't do this alone.
Here's how it works. You come in for your first scheduled appointment wearing loose and layered comfortable clothing. We chat for a brief time as you fill out forms. I continue the intake by performing pulse and tongue diagnosis. You enter the treatment room I prepared with five seats, soft lights and meditative music. You will sit in a chair while I place sterile single-use needles in specific locations in the ear and from the elbows to the hands and from the knees to the feet. I might also need access to your shoulders. Other participants will take a seat as frequently as every 15 minutes. Rest and meditate for 40 minutes. I will remove the needles and walk with you back out to the reception area. That's it.
So let's do this! Make your appointments now; treatments beginning January 6. Sessions range from $20-40 which makes ongoing treatment possible for everyone!
Tuesdays Allyu Spa 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Wednesdays Elemental Health 9:30 am – 12 pm
Thursdays Elemental Health 4 pm – 7:30 pm
Stay tuned for neighborhood monthly offerings at community centers and yoga studios.