Since childhood, I was drawn to non-fiction stories of families living with autism. Some of my favorite clients to work with in my acupuncture/energy work practice have been kids with autism and Down’s. And I can talk passionately about the link between the nutrient-lacking food we eat, the effect it has on mom’s-to-be guts and what that means for the health of their future children.
Last year, I met Gina Laverde and Dougie. You can read about their journey elsewhere, but they are amazing souls. Gina’s passion about the health of moms and kids is personal. When Gina and her husband Doug realized what was occurring in their son, they interviewed and researched tirelessly and effectively helped Dougie recover from autism. He is now a 5 year old smart cookie (gluten and sugar free of course) attending Waldorf school.
So far this doesn’t sound so fun or bliss-filled, does it? Here it is!
Gina’s other (brain)child, Certified Organic Woman is holding a benefit for autism recovery in Santa Monica on Friday, March 19th. I guarantee it is a can’t-miss event - a night of DJed music, dancing, food, gifts, services and raffle prizes. Tickets are $40 at the door, but raffle tickets are available now if you can’t attend. Won’t you join us?
A recent message from Certified Organic Woman:
I'm so excited about the Magic Elixir Bar, and OH THE GIFT BAGS! I went to the shop yesterday and got to choose the treats you'll be taking home.
I'm not spilling the secret but I will say that Ally over at Lush is awesome, and she helped me pick things that the guys will like too.
So, there's something for all of your tastes (and smells).
Can't wait to see you there!
If you haven't purchased your tix yet -- please do!
Here's the link: http://www.facebook.com/l/0d832;ow.ly/1gGeZ .
The guest list is filling up.
It's a cozy space and we want to make sure we can all fit.
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